First Lady Peggy E. Paden

First Lady Peggy E. Paden, a powerful woman of God, is the sunshine of the ministry. She teaches the women of the ministry how to truly be the women that God has called for. Her character speaks wonders of the God she serves. She is a wife to Bishop Paden; mother to Monica (Shane), Erica (Ivory) and Michael Jr. (Danielle); grandmother to Shania, Christopher, Madysen, Ivory Jr., Isaiah, and Evelyn. She serves as First Lady at Holy Fellowship, Tabernacle of Faith, and Georgia Metro Jurisdiction. She has spent years raising her children and teaching the women of the ministries. She upholds the character of a virtuous woman and exemplifies all that God would have a woman to be. First Lady Paden is indeed a model woman of God.

First Lady Peggy PadenIn December of 2004 she was diagnosed with Stage Three Cancer. While believing God for total victory she continued to faithfully uphold the Character of Godliness. Then God did it suddenly! First Lady Paden went from "Stage Three to Cancer Free", and not once did she doubt God in the midst of this test. God has allowed Lady Paden to be a model of true faith over the years. Listening to her speak will build your faith and confidence in what God is able to do. She exemplifies the true character of a woman of God.